Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Updates! You know... updates!

Or a lack of updates. Time just gets away on me and I don't remember to update the blog.

I've been watching Breaking Bad. I started watching this after the first season had aired because a friend told me it was good. This was also at the time when another friend had recommended we catch up with Weeds. So we went from marijuana to meth. It was not the time to do this. Breaking Bad was way too serious a show, and it was difficult to transition over. Cancer, drug deals, guns, motorhome labs, and killing was just way too much to continue on with. My wife stopped watching, but I kept with it.
I think it's because I just can't stop a story in the middle. Even the most terrible of movies, I will watch to the end. Or at lease Google it to find out how it ends.

Breaking Bad, right. Keep focus. Now Breaking Bad is in its 4th season  and things have changed dramatically from the 1st season. The motorhome is gone, the Cancer is in remission, the danger of being caught has increased, and so has the paycheque. It's just so interesting!

I am also plugging away on the Blackest Night comic series. It's nearly 100 different comics! I'm about halfway through it, and then I'll move on to Brightest Day, which is over 100 comics long. That's including all the tie-ins, which are sometimes relevant. Mostly they're just extra comics for DC to sell to people and make lots of money. Hmph, DC.

Going to have a playdate today... so I must make sure the place is clean. My wife made lemon bars and brownies for our visitors, which I am thoroughly looking forward to eating. I could eat the plate of lemon bars all to myself! So delicious.

What else? The construction on the farm is nearly done, at least, the part that I use the most. The milk parlour is exactly 8 days from being finished. This means we'll cut the milk time from 2.25 hours to 1.25 hours. Shift times will be slightly shorter again, and I can get back to arriving home an hour before E's bedtime instead of AT her bedtime. Life will be great. (I hope).

I'm working on finding some music to listen to while I blog. I recently (yesterday) asked a friend for his recommendations, and he gave me a lot! He said it was nice to vent his brain about something other than school for a change. Glad I could help!

Also... thinking about doing a picture post during the week.

That is your update.

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