The DC Universe underwent a massive reboot recently. That is, every comic that had been running since it's inception all started back at #1. Detective Comics, Action Comics, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman... everything started over. Titles have been revamped... characters have been slightly altered.
I will admit to not having the slightest clue about what this actually means in the grand scheme of things, except that it's big. Here's a quick example about how slowly time moves in a comic book world. Batman had a son back in 1987. He's 12 years old now, not 24 years old like he should be.
Right now I'm about 3 years behind the current storylines. But now that there's been a reboot, I'm going to try and keep up with the current story at the same time as catching up with the old storylines
I've read through 52, Final Crisis (where Batman
So many comic books! And there are 52 new titles coming out every month now. Comics are crazy.
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